Titul | Autor | Vydavatel | Rok |
Baptism and fullness | Stott John R W | InterVarsity Press | 1975 |
Basic Christianity | Stott John R W | InterVarsity Press | 1971 |
Between two worlds | Stott John R W | William B. Eerdmans | 1994 |
Efezanom | Stott John R W | Navrat domu | 1992 |
Homosexualni parnerstvi? | Stott John R W | Navrat domu | 2000 |
II Timoteovi | Stott John R W | Navrat domu | 1992 |
Kristuv kriz | Stott John R W | Porta libri | 2003 |
Portret kazatele | Stott John R W | Biblios | 1992 |
The authentic Jesus | Stott John R W | InterVarsity Press | 1985 |
The cross of Christ | Stott John R W | InterVarsity Press | 1986 |
The incomparable Christ | Stott John R W | InterVarsity Press | 2001 |
The letters of John: an introduction and commentary | Stott John R W | InterVarsity Press | 1988 |
The message of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) | Stott John R W | InterVarsity Press | 1985 |
Your mind matters | Stott John R W | InterVarsity Press | 1972 |
Zapas mlade cirkve | Stott John R W | Navrat domu | 1999 |
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Jim a Laurie Barnesovi