Titul | Autor | Vydavatel | Rok |
A Christian manifesto | Schaeffer Francis A | Crossway Books | 1981 |
Escape from reason | Schaeffer Francis A | InterVarsity Press | 1968 |
He is there and He is not silent | Schaeffer Francis A | Tyndale House | 1972 |
How should we then live? the rise and decline of western thought and culture | Schaeffer Francis A | Crossway Books | 1983 |
Letters of Francis A Schaeffer | Schaeffer Francis A | Crossway Books | 1985 |
Ten, ktery je skutecnosti | Schaeffer Francis A | Navrat domu | 1994 |
The church at the end of the 20th century | Schaeffer Francis A | Crossway Books | 1994 |
The God who is there | Schaeffer Francis A | InterVarsity Press | 1968 |
True spirituality | Schaeffer Francis A | Tyndale House | 1971 |
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Jim a Laurie Barnesovi