Encounters with Christ Moore Mark ECollege Press2001
How to dodge a dragon Moore Mark ECollege Press1998
Life of Christ: Semester 1 sections 1-33Moore Mark EOzark Christian College2001
Life of Christ: Semester 1 sections 34-54Moore Mark EOzark Christian College2001
Life of Christ: Semester 2 sections 55-76Moore Mark EOzark Christian College2001
Life of Christ: Semester 2 sections 77-103Moore Mark EOzark Christian College2001
Life of Christ: Semester 3 sections 104-117Moore Mark EOzark Christian College2002
Life of Christ: Semester 3 sections 118-138Moore Mark EOzark Christian College2002
Life of Christ: Semester 4 sections 139-153Moore Mark EOzark Christian College2002
Life of Christ: Semester 4 sections 154-184Moore Mark EOzark Christian College2002
My witnesses Moore Mark ECollege Press 2000
Seeing God in HD Moore Mark ECollege Press2008
The chronological life of Christ Moore Mark ECollege Press2007
The chronological life of Christ: volume 1 Moore Mark ECollege Press1997
The chronological life of Christ: volume 2Moore Mark ECollege Press1997
The passion of Jesus Moore Mark ECollege Press2002
The person of Jesus Moore Mark ECollege Press2002
The power of Jesus Moore Mark ECollege Press2002
The preaching of Jesus Moore Mark ECollege Press2002

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Jim a Laurie Barnesovi

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