

Use of the Library

The library facilities are open to the general public. Anyone can use the library but you must have a valid library card to borrow books.

Getting a Library Card

All who wish to have borrowing privileges must complete an application card (available at the library) and pay the appropriate fees.

We would request that each applicant provide two (2) passport size photos and proper identification.

The person in whose name the card is issued must be present to check out books. Cards are nontransferable. Family members can check out items on a single account.

Cards are normally issued for children starting at age six (6) but with the desire to respond to individual situations, as a parent you can let us know what you would prefer.

The library card must be presented at the time of checkout. Lost or damaged cards are replaced for the cost of 35 Kč

Each library card holder or family will be given a Library User Guide which will provide additional information about the library including other specific circulation policies.



Individual 300 Kč
Family 500 Kč
Group/Institution 1500 Kč
Full-time student 150 Kč
Pensioner 150 Kč
Disabled 150 Kč

Borrowing privileges can be had for a full year or are also available for shorter term periods of up to three or six months.

3 months 125 Kč 175 Kč
6 months 175 Kč 275 Kč

Description of Categories

Individual - Persons who do not qualify for other categories and pay for either a full or partial year's borrowing privileges.

Family - Limited to members of an immediate family. Children 6 years and under do not need to have individual cards but other children can receive their own library card.

Group/Institutions - Organizations can secure borrowing privileges for up to 7 persons at a time. Individuals must have proof of affiliation

Full-time Student - Persons who are enrolled in full-time studies at a recognized high school or university. Individuals must have current identification and proof of enrollment.

Pensioner - Persons who are age 65 or older or who currently draw a pension. Individuals must have proper identification.

Disabled - Persons who are permanently disabled. Individuals must have proof of identification.

(Special arrangements are available for those who may have limited ability to pay. Please check with Library Director for details).

Borrowing Guidelines

Borrowing privileges for most resources will be for (3) three weeks.

The number of books or other materials which can be checked out by a single user at a given time is six (6). The total number of resources to check out can be allocated amongst family members.

The registered borrower is responsible for all materials borrowed and no materials can be lent to others.

Overdue Charges and Notices

Fines will be charged for overdue materials at the rate of 3 Kč per item per day.

No fee per item will exceed the value of the item.

There is a grace period of two (2) days -- if items are returned by the close of business within two days of the date due, all fines are waived. After that time, fines are charged for the full amount including the grace period.

No other items can be checked out until all fines are paid.

Library patrons are responsible for the cost of replacement of lost, damaged or unreturned items.

Renewal and Reserve

Materials can be renewed for an additional loan period provided the items are not requested by another library patron.

Library materials can be renewed by phone or e-mail provided there is a means for written confirmation (ie the library patron must have e-mail) otherwise items must be renewed in person.

Patrons are encouraged to place on reserve any books or other resources which are not currently available.

If you would like to reserve an item you can call on come by the library and place your name on the reserve list.

We will notify you by e-mail or a phone call when the book or other item is available.

Arrangements would need to be made for checkout within one week, otherwise the item will be returned to circulation.

Contact us

Prague Christian Library
Balbínova 10
120 00 Praha 2

(420) 602 750 610

Library administrators:
Jim and Laurie Barnes

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